Company identification data(provider):
Name of the company, IČ: Centrum laserové a estetické dermatologie, s.r.o. IČ: 270 622 28
DIČ: CZ 270 622 28
Head office: Nové náměstí 1440/2a, Praha 10 – Uhříněves, 100 00, Czech Republic
Telephone: 606 035 141
Purpose of personal data processing
Because provider is a non-governmental medical provider bears the responsibility of keeping medical records and handle with it according to current legislation. Currently, law č. 372/2011 Sb., or decree č. 98/2012 Sb (according to legal system of the Czech Republic).
Provider does not use electronic personal data collection on website
Our website does not use cookies and don’t collect any data about its users. However your data can be collected by other parties, such as your internet provider.
According to Regulation (EU) of the European parliament and Council 2016/679 has the user (subject) number of rights. Data collection has to be conducted legally, fairly and transparent. Subject has legal right about information about data collection about himself, its eligibility, right to correct and deletion.
GDPR a medical records
Keeping of medical records is subject to, in addition to GDPR regulation other specific and local laws eg. law about the medical services č. 372/2011 Sb.